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You have to add batchable crop to the list of basic things you can do to pictures. This would actually lift this program head-and-sholders over the free image magongerers (not that QR generation doesn't already!)

Just a quick for-instance: There are a lot of PDFs appearing out of libraries with scanned pages of historical references, where the book-page size is smaller than the scanner page size. This leaves a small page centered on a field of white space. All pages are positioned the same, and the result is a very small hard-to-read image that occupies less than 20% of the page. Yes, you can enlarge it, but page-to-page navigation is a real pain. Solution: use one of the many PDF-to-image utilities (GAotD had one last week or so) to split the pages into image files in a directory. Call up the first page, set the crop, run it on the directory. Then Image-to-PDF convert the result into a PDF where now, the images fill the pages. This is neither a one-shot problem, nor one which is well-covered in the industry.

William Brohinsky , 11.06.2012, 13:38
Idea status: under consideration


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